5 Inspiring CEO Quotes About Web Design

I’ve talked a lot about the importance of design for online success.

If you’re a business owner and you’re looking to get customers online, you need a solid design strategy.

People are busy.

When they’re online they are forced to make split-second decisions. It’s all based on first impression.

If your website doesn’t make a good first impression you’re left in the dark with little traffic and sales.

But don’t take my word for it.

Here are 5 quotes from CEOs about the importance of web design.

1. Rand Fishkin – CEO of Moz

Rand participated in a Q&A on his website, Inbound.org and one person asked him about a website. Rand’s response showed his take on the importance of website design:

The site’s look and feel (and overall UX) feels 10 years old. I wouldn’t trust the content EVEN if it were great, because the UX is so rough.

2. Dharmesh Shah – Co-founder of HubSpot

This quote is an old one, but it’s still important today.

Dharmesh has spoken with many business owners. He sees businesses losing focus on what’s important, which are business goals and how a design interacts with the target customer:

​In my experience, too many small business owners either spend too little on their website (and hence miss an important opportunity to leverage the Internet) or they spend too much in the wrong places.

3. Brian Clark – CEO of Copyblogger

Brian Clark understands the importance of copy for businesses, but he also recognizes the importance of design that achieves a goal and earns credibility from the target audience:

Why is it when some people decide to ask for some action, they lose their minds on the appearance of the page? Bad fonts, garish colors, cheap highlighting, and silly clip art do not make for better conversions in most cases. What they do is crush your credibility.

4. Aaron Patzer – Founder of Mint.com

Aaron Patzer took on Quicken with his online finance application. To help build trust around this important industry he turned to design:

The other big factor in building trust quickly is site design quality.  Mint.com has one of the best graphic designers ever (Jason Putorti) – he cares about every pixel, all the fonts, all the transparencies and effects.  And that shows instantly.  People do make judgments of trust on appearance – in the real world and online.

5. Neil Patel – Founder of KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg and Quick Sprout

There is a lot of good information Neil’s post about design, but this quote stood out most:

When a designer gives you a bill, what do you see it as? An expense, right? When a designer gives me a bill, I see it as an investment. For me, it is something that appreciates and helps your business grow.

Did I miss your favorite quotes about design?

Share them in the comments!

Dayne Shuda
Dayne Shuda
Dad, husband, golfer, and bow hunter. Owner of Ghost Blog Writers.

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