5 Reasons Why I Love Cold Wisconsin Winters

Ok, I’ll be honest, the Midwest does get cold and after a couple of months of below freezing temps I’m ready for spring. But there are reasons to enjoy cold Wisconsin winters.

None of my reasons include snow sports either. Although I say to myself every year I should go ski, it never happens. Next year?

1. Change

My husband would tell you that I’m a big fan of change. I tend to get bored easily and like trying new things.

Variety is the spice of life they say.

In Wisconsin, we have the pleasure of enjoying all four seasons. I can’t imagine celebrating Christmas without some snow on the ground. There is something about the first snow that makes me feel comfortable and full of joy. The trees take on a whole new look. The world seems so still after a snowfall. There is just something peaceful about winter.

Knowing that the freezing cold won’t last forever gives me something positive to look forward to, no matter what else is happening in my life.

2. Time to Work

During the summer when it’s 75° and sunny it’s much harder to sit in an office. I tend to think about all of the things I’d rather be doing outdoors instead.

In the winter, I can hunker down and focus on work without feeling like I’m missing out on anything. Even though it’s cold, I still make a habit of getting outside and going for walks.

I love outdoor biking, and yes you can do that in the winter (fat tire bikes) – but let’s be real – that doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun to me!

There’s something about enjoying a hot cup of coffee on chilly mornings and focusing on getting some work done.

Winter is a season to focus on work.

3. Sweatpants & Flannel

If you don’t love lounging around in sweatpants or crawling into flannel sheets you’re kidding yourself. Winter is a time to be cozy and a little bit lazy. And that’s perfectly ok since it’s only a few months out of the year.

4. Delicious Carbs

My family might tell you that I eat a fairly healthy diet. When it comes to winter, it becomes more difficult to stay on track.

Every year in December my friends and I have an annual cookie bake. We whip up hundreds of delicious treats including: Cream cheese cutouts, caramel pretzels bites and Oreo truffles.

The holidays are the best excuse to veer off course for a few weeks and eat a few cookies. What’s not to love about that?

5. Snow…everything

Snowmen, snow forts, snowballs, snow angels… the list goes on and on. Our neighbors kids are always outside building all sorts of fun things in the snow.

You don’t need to be young or have children to enjoy a little playtime. Throwing a snowball or two will lighten your spirit and make you feel like a kid again. 

I know I sure enjoy it!

Sarah Shuda
Sarah Shuda
Designer. Mom. Wife. Loves Gilmore Girls, healthy living, and long walks in the country.

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