Cut the BS – Show Your Unique Selling Proposition Like This

It’s not 1999 anymore. There are over 634 million websites on the Internet. That number is increasing at an alarming rate. There has never been more information readily available to the public as there is today.

What makes your business stand apart from the pack online? If you are a business that happens to be in a very saturated market there are a few ways you can promote your unique selling proposition. And yes, you can do it without the BS.

A unique selling proposition is defined as something that you offer that is unique in comparison to those who also offer similar services.

In most cases, it can be something small that you do differently and better than your competitors. 

So what are a few ways you can do this on your website?

Using Your Website to Set Your Business Apart

  1. Use large headlines and headings to focus on your unique selling proposition. Tell your visitors what you do and how it can be valuable to them. Why should someone give you their money? Make sure this content is straightforward and fluff-free. Quality customers can see through the BS. Just tell it like it is and you’ll end up simplifying your site too! 

    Appeal to Emotions with Photos
    Photo: Beth Nazario

  2. A picture says a thousand words. Is your product luxurious? Are your services meant for a specific type of person? Use photography that shows your target customer using the product or enjoying your services. This can help you connect with the right people. If they can picture themselves as your customer you’ll have a much better chance of selling to them.
  3. Analyze your competitors’ website and do it better. What are your competitors doing on their site? Did they leave out their process? Are their product descriptions lackluster? Take advantage of having public access to your competition.

    Molly Marie About Page
    Molly Marie at Molly Marie Photography Shares Her Mission in a Personal Truthful Way (above)

  4. People are the difference. Don’t forget to tell your story and a little about the people who work for you. Businesses are simply groups of people with a common goal. You make your business just as unique as the differences in your products can. Often times your competitive advantage is customer service. If that is the case, highlight employee bios. Show your customers how much you appreciate your employees. This reflects directly on how your employees deal with customers. They will treat others how they are treated. Embrace your people. They can be that difference.

    Offer Free Guides
    Add Additional Value with Free Information (above)

  5. Demos, free information & samples. Sometimes the proof is in the product. Let your customers try before they buy. If you think your product is really worth their money, prove it to them. Feature a free version with less feature or provide them with some additional tips, advice or guide to help show them your are knowledgable in what you do. Use your website to allow your customers to sign-up for your email newsletter in exchange for a sample or free demo.
  6. Design carefully. The biggest mistake you can make is to design for your own preferences and not your customers. As a designer this is the biggest part of my job. Sometimes it comes down to a hard discussion or two to explain the whys and hows of any particular design. Design can accurately represent your business if you let it. The last thing you want to do is misrepresent your business and target the wrong customer.

    Data Visualization

  7. Prove it with data. Charts, graphs and beautiful typography can emphasize your data and results to your visitor. Data is a powerful tool. Case studies can be improved by introducing more visuals to help guide their eyes down the page and to break up somewhat boring content. Graphs can also make the data easier to understand and more impactful.

What are you doing to showcase your unique selling proposition?

Share your ideas in the comments below…

Sarah Shuda
Sarah Shuda
Designer. Mom. Wife. Loves Gilmore Girls, healthy living, and long walks in the country.

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