Key Elements for a Local Business Website

What do you put on your homepage? If your local business has a website or if you’re considering a website, the homepage is important. You want to have enough information, but you don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with options. The discussion you have with your designer about your homepage and your business is important. You need to focus on what is important to your company. You need to communicate the most important elements that make your business different from the competition. For a local business like a restaurant or a bait shop or a grocery store there are a few key things to focus on.

Website Pages for Local Businesses

A website is a big deal for a local business. Often money is tight for something like a website. Since you’re local, the number of target customers is low relative to a national or international brand. It makes sense that your website and the site of of a huge brand would be different. So when you look to create your first website or if you’re looking to upgrade your site, focus on these key aspects of a local site. Each of these elements are items I would consider highly for a local business homepage.

Location and Address

For a local business it’s obviously important that people know where you are. You do business face-to-face at your store or place of business. Make it easy for people to find you. Provide your address and link to a map so visitors to your site can quickly find you. Don’t make them frustrated by clicking through a bunch of pages on your site.

Store Hours

There is nothing more frustrating than visiting a local establishment and finding out that it is closed. Make sure it’s easy for customers to know if you’re closed or not. They will probably look when they’re at home or considering the option of visiting your store. They will wonder if you’re open. Make it easy to see the answer.

Contact Information

For local businesses the most common contact information is probably your phone number. I often look for the phone number of local golf courses. It’s the only thing I’m looking for especially if I’m a repeat visitor to the course. I already know about the course. I just want to know how to contact them to make a tee time (or appointment or reservation). The same goes for email contact information or subscription opt-in information.

About Information

For new customers, they are likely wanting to do some research on your company before making a decision. have an About section on your site so these folks can read about you, your company, and what you provide. It’s important to have this info so new customers can make a good decision about doing business with you.

Product List or Menu

Depending on the nature of your local business you will probably either have a regular stream of the repeat customers or a stream of new customers that are in town to visit on business or pleasure. Some local businesses have a good mix of both. In each case a product list or a menu for restaurants is one of the most important elements of your website. Consider a person visiting your city. They are in town for dinner. A friend has recommended your restaurant. They find your website. The first thing they probably want to view is your menu. Is there an easy to see link? Consider smartphone screens and answer this question. Do you have recommended items or favorite items? Make it easy for a new person to make a quick decision. Did I miss anything? What do you have on your business website that is necessary for your local business?  

Dayne Shuda
Dayne Shuda
Dad, husband, golfer, and bow hunter. Owner of Ghost Blog Writers.

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