Mobile Websites Now Required To Find The Best Employees

Are you struggling to find good employees?

If you business website isn’t optimized for mobile you might be missing out on the best employees.

A new study found that 77% of job seekers use use mobile job search apps.

The mobile experience allows people to quickly respond to job postings while also being able to look for jobs anywhere, anytime. And some people that only have access to a computer at their current place of employment like being able to discreetly look for jobs on their smartphones.

Those are all great reasons that people use mobile devices to search for jobs, but the biggest reason is probably that more people are using smartphones to access the Internet. For some people, their smartphone is the Internet.

If you want to attract the best employees it’s time to update your website so that it’s mobile-friendly.

Here are a few action steps.

Myth: Your Website Is Done

There is a prevalent myth out there that once your site is created or redesigned that’s it’s done.

This is not the case.

First, you need a fresh content strategy today if you want any kind of search traffic. People want fresh content and so do the search engines.

The other reason that your site is never finished is that you need to be able to make changes as the Internet changes. And now that people are using their smartphones to access the Internet more than desktops it’s time to adapt again.

Responsive Design

Responsive design is what many major websites are using today to adapt to the mobile Web.

A responsive website creates a great experience for visitors no matter what device they use to view your website. If you’re reading this on your smartphone you can see that the content is nicely sized and spaced for viewing. The same is true for those viewing on tablets and desktops.

Responsive design is the best way to optimize your website for mobile today. It takes a little more effort up front with design and development, but it creates a seamless experience for all visitors.

Mobile-Friendly Job Pages

If your company has a Jobs or Careers section on your website it’s time to make sure that it’s optimized for the mobile experience.

If you have a desktop experience, mobile users will likely struggle to learn about the opportunities. And filling out forms become difficult when trying to use the desktop version of job pages on a smartphone.

Get together with your designer and developer and create a mobile-first experience that optimizes your jobs page for the mobile user.

With 77% of job seekers using mobile to find jobs, it’s now a requirement if you want to attract the best people to your business.

Dayne Shuda
Dayne Shuda
Dad, husband, golfer, and bow hunter. Owner of Ghost Blog Writers.

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