Steal These Website Ideas for Higher Traffic and More Sales

Steal these website ideas

Are you unhappy with your website?

You’re not the only one. We always look back thinking that if we only had the knowledge we have today back then that we would have created something so much better.

The frustrating part is that the same cycle will happen in a few years. Even if you update your site with your knowledge today you’ll still feel behind in a few years as you learn more.

Well today we’re here to help you get a head start.

The website ideas listed below will help you get ahead of the curve and turn your website into a source of high traffic and more sales for your business.

Idea #1: Responsive Design

People are using smartphones more than ever. For some people, their smartphone is the Internet. They don’t even have a desktop computer at home or at work. They connect through their phone.

The biggest point to take away from the mobile trend is not that people are simply using smartphones. The main trend is that people will continue to use different size screens and resolutions in the coming years.

For you, this means having a website that delivers a good experience for all (or as many as possible) visitors. This doesn’t mean you have separate sites for mobile and desktop users. You want the experience to be as close to the same for everyone.

Responsive design allows your design to change for various screen sizes while keeping the experience similar for every user. It’s more work up front, but in the long run your website will be better off.

Idea #2: Improved Site Search

For retailers and publishers, internal site search is vastly lacking. I’ve looked at a number of analytics for retailer companies and the vast majority of visitors to the homepage (and many other pages) go right to the search bar to look for what they want to find.

Google and other search engines have programmed people to be smart with searching. They know what they want to find, but they don’t necessarily have the answer.

Leaders at Google (and now Facebook) talk often about user intent. They ask themselves the question, “What is this person really looking for?”

As you create your website for the future make sure you understand the intent of your visitors. Give them a good internal site search experience and answer their questions right away with content.

Idea #3: Refined Visitor Paths

I think one of the reasons visitors have relied so heavily on search is because websites have done a poor job of giving people refined paths.

When you visit most websites today there are simply too many options. We all like options, but when faced with too many we will often become confused and simply leave.

Fewer options, more sales. That’s the way to go in the future.

Refine your visitor paths. Limit calls to action on each page and have one main focus per page. Make sure the visitor knows what they should do. If you need to include other calls to action make them less obvious. If people want to find them they’ll be able to, but the options won’t be in their face.

Idea #4: Solutions, Not Products

Another area where websites kind of miss the point today is the concept of offering products and not solutions.


I’m a golfer. When I go to a website that sells golf clubs often see the basic product information. That’s about all I see really. It’s great to see the product description and the specs, but that’s not necessarily a solution to my problem.

Instead of simple product and service descriptions create content that shows the products and services and solutions to the problems your visitors are having.

When I see a club I am more likely to purchase if I know if will help me with a swing flaw. I am more likely to buy it if I know a successful professional golfer has used it. I’m more likely to purchase it if I see video testimonials with customers sharing their stories of how the club has helped them.

It may seem like it isn’t a big difference, but the slightest change in content strategy can increase sales.

Idea #5: Content Engines

Content is no longer just a way to get visitors to your site. It’s part of your overall offering.

People purchase merchandise (or services). In marketing, we often focus on channels and attribution. We focus on the marketing side of things instead of on the products.

It turns out that if we improve our merchandise we stand a pretty good chance of increasing sales.

Businesses that want to succeed in the future can turn their websites into content engines. Things like videos, guides and blog posts all add to the value of the merchandise. It improves the experience. It makes the lives of target customers better.

Plan to turn your site into a content engine. It’s a way to get an advantage over the competition and not just any advantage – a merchandise advantage.

Idea #6: Touch Friendly

Earlier we talked about responsive design. Another reality today is that people can touch their computer screens. Existing websites, though, are built for the little cursor from the mouse. Most links and buttons are too small for people to click with their finger.

To make websites effective in the future you’ll need to make it easy for people to touch the website with their fingers. It’s how they’ll interact and if it’s frustrating they’ll just find another alternative.

Related Article: Catering to Touch Devices

Next Step

Now it’s time to get to work on your website. Hopefully these ideas have sparked some inspiration. Use them in your new website design and share other ideas you have in the comments.

Dayne Shuda
Dayne Shuda
Dad, husband, golfer, and bow hunter. Owner of Ghost Blog Writers.

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