7 Marketing Articles With Good Insight For The Travel Industry In 2014

Between 2000 and 2010, the world travel market grew by more than 60 million annual travelers.

Some parts of the world are getting more visitors than others, but in general, the travel economy has been growing.

For those in the travel industry there is an opportunity to increase revenue from travelers throughout the world. It’s a global economy and the best way to acquire new visitors in the future is through the Web – websites, apps, etc.

With this in mind we take a look at 7 articles that have great insight for travel businesses.

Check them out and hopefully they will help you with your marketing plans for 2014.

1. Customers Still Demand Travel Agents

Adam Weissenberg, vice chairman and leader of Deloitte’s U.S. Travel, Hospitality and Leisure practice, said travelers are more willing to turn to professionals when they’re dealing with unusual locations or high-end luxury and specialized travel. More senior travelers are also more likely to seek help, he said.

People can book their own flights and activities online, but they still struggle to find the right flights and activities. They can easily find the cheapest, but there is still a demand for quality trips. Plus, people don’t have time to do all that searching.

Hospitality businesses can provide additional value by doing the planning for consumers. For example, a hotel or bed and breakfast can have itineraries with everything planned out for guests. Put it on the website as a service. The demand is there.

Source: Adam Weissenberg (@aweissenberg)
From: Travel agents back in demand

2. Business Travel Picking Up Especially Abroad

Airports and hotels will be busy as American companies gain confidence and invest in travel to drive growth,” GBTA chief operating officer Michael McCormick said in a statement.

Does your hospitality business serve business clients? Does it have the potential to serve business clients? If yes, examine the ways you can attract more business from business travelers. Your website content is one. Review it now and make adjustments to discuss your options for business travelers.

Source: Michael McCormick (@GlobalGBTA)
From: GBTA: Airlines, Hotels to Benefit in 2014 as Business Travel Rallies

3. People are Traveling for Pleasure and a Little for Work

Workations. Truly groundbreaking solutions never hit you while you’re spinning wheels at your desk. That’s why more employees are working remotely as a team and taking the opportunity to build stronger connections with each other. A change of scenery from the office cubicle can inspire new ideas and foster creative energy.

Hospitality businesses that offer things like Wi-Fi and other amenities for people will get more bookings. People will travel to your location to do a little pleasure travel while also working on some business during their stay.

Source: Jamie Wong (@JamieJWong)
From: Travel Trends For 2014

4. People Doing Research Online

For one, people are spending more time online researching. A study conducted by eMarketer suggested that nearly two-thirds of all travelers today research online before they book. Even 10 years ago that was probably in the single digits.

Earlier we looked at how some people don’t want to research so they use agents, but more people are going online both for ease of research and out of necessity because they want to plan the best trips. Having a website with useful information for travelers is a must have item for those in the travel industry in 2014.

Source: Mark Rabe
From: Travel Trends And The Year Ahead

5. Cruises Are Big, So Is The Caribbean

The overall top international destination for 2014 is the Caribbean. Every cruise line has ships plying the warm, blue Caribbean waters.

Cruises, even with some negative publicity in recent years, remain popular with travelers worldwide. The Caribbean is hot, but so are other locations throughout the world. Travel businesses might benefit from partnerships with cruise companies planning itineraries.

Source: Richard Irwin
From: Hot Travel Trends For 2014

6. Michigan Is On The Rise

“Every time we get these national accolades, it helps put us on the radar,” said Michelle Grinnell, spokeswoman for Travel Michigan, the tourism arm of the Michigan Economic Development Corp. “Those not only help tell our story, but it reinforces the message that we are sending that Michigan is a great travel destination.”

Don’t count out places like Michigan. People want to go to interesting places no matter what the history or even recent history has been. If you’re in Michigan there is an opportunity benefit from the growing demand.

Source: Michelle Grinnell (@PureMichigan)
From: Why 2014 will be a good year for Michigan tourism

7. Renewed focus on property websites

Finding ways of encouraging direct bookings will be one of the most important parts of a marketing director’s job in 2014. Considering travelers are increasingly taking their transactions online, the hotel’s own website needs to become the most important avenue for bookings to gain the highest ROI. After American hotels spent an estimated $2.7 billion on OTA commissions, the rates rose and restrictions tightened. Hotels are looking at any and all ways to increase direct bookings in 2014. This means that hotel websites will need to create incentives through booking with them directly rather than via the OTAs. Fresh content, consistent updates of promotions and rich media will draw in the guests.

People are going online and directly booking some of their stays. It’s cheaper for those that can find a place to stay easily. This puts pressure on travel businesses to have good websites, good content and in the future it means having a good mobile experience.

Source: Robert Rauch (@hospitalitynet)
From: 10 Hospitality Industry Trends For 2014

There is the word from the experts.

You have a great opportunity to grow your travel-related business in the coming years.

What’s your plan to take advantage?

Picture of Dayne Shuda
Dayne Shuda
Dad, husband, golfer, and bow hunter. Owner of Ghost Blog Writers.

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