How Steve Jobs Has Changed My Life

Steve Jobs - Courtesy of AppleAfter hearing the terrible news last night, I hopped on Twitter to see what others were sharing about him. Needless to say it made me cry. Never did I think that an entrepreneur would impact my life that much. And that’s just what Jobs did for millions of people around the world. He thought about people and how their daily lives could change with the products & technology he helped to create.

Jobs wasn’t just another entrepreneur, computer genius or super geek. He was a visionary. He took his ideas to their limits. But most of all, he improve, organized, enhanced & altered the way we live our lives.    

But most of all, he improved, organized, enhanced & altered the way we live our lives.

Steve Jobs changed the way I listen to music, surf the internet, take phone calls & what I do for a living. I used to buy CD’s all the time. I was a big music junkie back in those days. I still am, but it’s on a much different level. In today’s world I download music from iTunes if I am going to purchase it. When I discover new music, I often times Shazam a song on my iPhone when I didn’t catch the artists name. At the gym on the treadmill I use my iPhone or iPod Shuffle to either listen to Pandora or be pushed to my limits from my own music collection. All of these things are possible because of the way the iPod changed how we listen to music – digitally.

It took me a little bit to jump on the iPhone bandwagon. The first model was a bit pricy for me, just graduating college. I initially thought, do I really need it? It’s amazing how something we thought we could live without can impact even the smallest, yet crucial parts of our day. I purchased my iPhone 3GS in white. It hasn’t let me down since. I’ve found my way around unfamiliar cities, looked up information on-the-go that impacted my journey, snapped photos and immediately shared them online for my family & friends to see, the list continues on and on. All those things are fine and dandy and important to many normal users reasons for having an iPhone. But one of the reasons I purchased one is because I was interested in the Apps & mobile websites.

As a web designer, these two things changed my career. I now work on app designs and have to think about how a website will look on a mobile device, like the iPhone or iPad. Not a day goes by where I don’t read or see a new App or discover a beautifully designed mobile website. iPad, iPhone…what about personally computing? The chicken before the egg they always say. If it wasn’t for personal computing I wouldn’t be a web designer. I wouldn’t wake up every morning excited to get working on my next big project. I wouldn’t be writing this blog post for you to read from the comfort of my living room.

Jobs created a slice of heaven on earth when he built the Apple II. It brought ideas and innovation to the new world of technology & communication. He paved the way for other dreamers and geeks to improve upon what he started. Steve, you will never be forgotten.

Sarah Shuda
Sarah Shuda
Designer. Mom. Wife. Loves Gilmore Girls, healthy living, and long walks in the country.

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