Source: FanPop
Gene Wilder will forever warm our hearts as the candy man known as Wonka.
What can we learn from this kooky, crazy, classic character?
Invention, my dear friend, is 93 percent perspiration, 6 percent electricity, 4 percent evaporation and 2 percent butterscotch ripple.
Good ole’ fashioned hard work
It’s easy to come up with ideas. But putting in the hard work to see those ideas through is another story. It’s during those times of perspiration that the magic happens, the electricity hits and voila, butterscotch ripple!
The best way to become an overnight success, of which there is no such thing, is to work hard every day. To become a talent in your field or at whatever is it you love you have to practice and put in the time.
No one is born talented.

Source: FanPop
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Work to live
Others may remember you for your work when you’re dead and gone, but you will remember those moments where you let down your guard and have a little fun.
The oompa loompas may be hard workers but they also enjoy a little jig from time to time, even if it was to teach us a lesson.
Life is too short to spend working all the time. Work to live. Don’t live to work.

Source: FanPop
Time is a precious thing. Never waste it.
Seize the day
The older I become, the faster time speeds by. This month in particular, I have felt the strong desire to travel more often. It’s something I’ve always enjoyed but I seem to be making too many excuses lately to put things off. There will never be enough money or the perfect time to do whatever it is you have been wanting to do.
Seize the day and life your life. You’re the only one who can.

Source: FanPop
If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it; want to change the world… there’s nothing to it.
Change your perspective
If you are not familiar with mindfulness, I recommend checking out Mindful.org. We must first change our view of the world before we have the ability to achieve anything we desire. If you believe you can do something, you will do it. It’s all how you look at it.
Nothing is stopping you from laying on a beautiful beach somewhere or changing the world. A simple conversation with someone can change their life. Who knows what that single life could bring to the world.
In Willy Wonka, Grandpa Joe spends his days bed ridden. Charlie’s mother works all day to support him and the rest of the family. Grandpa Joe has no hope and nothing pushing him to do something with the rest of his life.
A golden ticket and the fresh perspective of a child shows him that he still has something left to live for.
Is your mind so clouded over you don’t see the wonderful things right in front of you?
Perhaps a change in perspective is all you need.

Source: FanPop
So shines a good deed in a weary world.
One small act of kindness
We often forget how memorable a good deed can be in such a negative world. When Charlie gives back the gobstopper at the end of the film, he proves he’s a decent human being.
The impact we can have on others is astounding. A small act of kindness such as letting someone go ahead of you in line, can make someone’s day. It could even change the course of their life.
The next time you see a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot, put it in the carousel. Instead of walking by a piece of trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it away. If we all did one decent thing each day that wasn’t expected of us, this place we call earth would be a whole lot lovelier.